"Going" and "Being"
It's simple. So simple. But we forget it every day: church is a family.
Not a building, not a time in the week; a group of people coming together as family. We say its obvious, but we ask people: "What church do you go to?"
"What family do you go to? How was family last night? I am family shopping."
If we think of church as something that we go to, then we show up, smile, consume our spiritual goods, and go on our way. If we think of church as something that we are, then everything will change. There is a world of difference between "going" to something, and "being" something.

Sermon not recorded properly.
Derek Webb - She must and shall go free (album)
No Perfect People Allowed - John Burke
George Hunsberger's essay in Evangelical Ecclessiology - John Stackhouse Jr.